Bloom Capital Group was founded on three principles which are reflected throughout day to day business:

  • Transparency: All documents are always available to investors
  • Privacy: Any investment is between you, management and our third party administrator
  • Communication: Every question and concern is addressed as soon as possible. We strive to provide clear and timely communication at all time

Bloom Capital Group is proud of its long heritage and is here to provide investors with good on-going uncorrelated investments.

Does the Bloom Capital Group team speak English?
•Yes, all team members are fluent in English.

What is the correlation of the loan portfolio and the US economy?
•We strive to always be as uncorrelated as possible by lending to small businesses tied to the local economy (mostly non-tourism).

What is the currency exposure of Bloom Capital Group?
•There is no exposure to currency fluctuations. All loans are made in US Dollars and principal and interest payments are received in US Dollars.

Do you offer other services in Costa Rica?
•We do! Given our years of experience in Costa Rica we offer advising and management services.  If you need help with general property management, real estate sales, forestry (both planting and managing teak), or ranching (beef cattle); please contact us.